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Local Missions Assistance for Passing Driving Tests

For many young people, a driving license is a crucial step towards independence and employment. However, the cost of learning can be a major obstacle. Fortunately, the Missions Locales, reference organizations for the social and professional integration of young people, offer various assistance to facilitate obtaining a driving license. Here is an overview of the available systems and how they can help you.

What is a Local Mission?

The Local Missions are support structures for young people aged 16 to 25 who are experiencing difficulties in social or professional integration. They help them to build a professional project, to access training, employment, and to overcome the financial or administrative obstacles they may encounter.

Why is a Driving License Important?

A driving license is often essential for accessing certain jobs, particularly in sectors requiring geographical mobility or for positions that require frequent travel. In addition, it represents an asset for expanding professional opportunities and promoting personal autonomy.

Local Missions Assistance for Driving Licenses

The Local Missions offer various forms of assistance to help young people finance their driving licence. Here are the main forms of support available:

1. Direct Financial Assistance

Some Local Missions offer direct financial assistance to cover part of the costs related to the driving license. This assistance can cover:

  • Driving school registration fees.
  • The cost of driving lessons.
  • The cost of taking the exam.

Conditions: The conditions for granting this aid vary depending on the Local Missions and are often granted based on the young person's resources and their professional project.

2. Support in the Constitution of Financing Files

Local Missions advisors help young people to put together applications to obtain other additional funding, such as the "1 euro per day driving licence" scheme or regional and departmental aid.

3. Driving License Loan Assistance

In some cases, the Local Mission can direct the young person towards financial partners offering zero-interest loans or special payment facilities to finance the driving license.

4. Personalized Support

Mission Locale advisors offer personalized support to guide young people throughout the process. This includes advice on choosing a driving school, organizing lessons, and psychological support to manage exam-related stress.

How to Benefit from Aid from Local Missions?

To benefit from the assistance offered by the Local Missions, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Registration with the Local Mission: If you are not already registered, contact the Local Mission closest to you to begin the registration process.
  2. Appointment with an Advisor: Make an appointment with an advisor who will assess your situation, your needs and your professional project.
  3. Needs Assessment: The advisor will analyze your mobility needs and inform you of the assistance available.
  4. Preparation of the File: With the help of your advisor, prepare your application file for assistance with your driving license.
  5. Monitoring and Support: Once assistance has been granted, continue to benefit from monitoring from your advisor throughout your driving license training.


Local Missions' assistance for driving licenses is essential for many young people seeking to overcome the financial barriers to obtaining their license. By offering financial support and personalized guidance, Local Missions play a crucial role in the autonomy and professional integration of young people. If you are eligible, do not hesitate to contact your Local Mission to benefit from these opportunities and put all the chances on your side to succeed in your professional project.

3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago