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Pôle Emploi Assistance

A driving license is an essential tool for many job seekers, facilitating access to positions requiring travel or simply broadening the scope of their job search. Aware of the importance of this skill, Pôle Emploi offers assistance to finance the driving license and thus promote professional integration. Find out how this assistance can help you obtain your driving license.

Why is a Driving License Important for Employment?

A driving license is often an essential criterion for landing certain jobs, particularly in sectors such as logistics, commerce, or construction. In addition, it provides access to a wider range of job offers, particularly in rural areas or areas poorly served by public transport. In addition, having a driving license increases the mobility and autonomy of job seekers.

Pôle Emploi Assistance for Driving Licenses

1. Individual Training Assistance (AIF)

The AIF can be used to finance training, including the driving license, when it is necessary to access a job or maintain a position.

  • Eligibility conditions: The AIF is granted to job seekers for whom the license is essential as part of a validated professional project.
  • Amount of aid: The amount varies according to the cost of the training and the needs of the applicant, often in addition to other financing.

2. Mobility Assistance

This assistance is intended to cover part of the costs related to finding or accepting a job requiring increased mobility, including financing the driving license.

  • Eligibility conditions: Be registered as a job seeker and justify the need for the license for a job offer or training.
  • Amount of assistance: Can cover all or part of the costs of transport, travel or accommodation, depending on needs.

3. The "Driving License" Scheme

Pôle Emploi also offers specific assistance for financing the driving license, which can be granted when the license is a proven barrier to hiring.

  • Eligibility requirements: Justify that a driving license is essential for a job or training. This assistance is often granted to people in financial difficulty who cannot afford the full cost of the license.
  • Amount of assistance: Varies depending on the applicant's financial situation and the cost of training.

How to Benefit from Pôle Emploi Assistance?

Steps to Follow

  1. Meet your Pôle Emploi Advisor: Make an appointment with your advisor to discuss your professional project and the need for a driving license.
  2. Establishment of a Personalized Project: Your advisor will help you establish a personalized employment access project (PPAE) that will include obtaining a driver's license if necessary.
  3. Submission of the Aid Application: Complete and submit the necessary forms to request aid. Provide all required supporting documents, such as quotes from approved driving schools.
  4. Validation and Monitoring: Once the aid has been granted, follow your advisor's recommendations for choosing a driving school and managing your training.

Tips to Maximize Your Chances

  • Prepare your Supporting Documents: Prepare a solid file with tangible proof of the importance of the license for your professional project.
  • Show your Motivation: Highlight your commitment and determination to use the license to improve your employability.
  • Be Proactive: Don't wait for help to be offered to you, take the initiative to talk about it with your advisor.


Pôle Emploi's assistance for the driving license represents an important lever for many job seekers in France. By facilitating access to mobility, it helps to remove major obstacles to employment and open up new professional opportunities. If you think you are eligible, do not hesitate to contact your Pôle Emploi advisor to explore the possibilities available to you and implement your professional project.

3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago